Gigabyte had launched a new motherboard from Ultra Durable 3 series, P55-UD6, this product has been fully powered by a new intel P55 chipset. This motherboard has been equipped with excess in any sector, especially in a overclocking and support new technology such USB 3.0 and SATA3.So what is going on in this product? I will completely review it in this computer article series.
Motherboard P55A-UD6 has been powered by 3 slot PCI Express in generation 2 which fully supports the tripe CrossfireX or SLI feature so cause a better graphic. Gigabyte provides DDR3 type in memory slot with maximum speed at 2600 Mhz by overclocking and 1333 MHz by default. The best thing, thereare many available slot to plug in DDR 3 as much as 6 slot. Integrated Audio use Realtec ALC889 codec 771, channel and integrated LAN use 2x Realtec 811d chips.
Packet sale, you will find out a user’s manual Multilangual installation Guidebook,DVD driver, eSATA bracket, 4 x SATA cable, 1 x Ide Cable and 1 of SLI Bridge.
To overclocking process this P555 motherboard from Gigabyte has been already equipped with aluminum heatsink which also powered with heatpipe. The heatsink is used to protect all of heat resource like chipset and MOSFET. While for power to CPU is used high quality power phase with 24. Phase has been embedded in this motherboard . Because this product is from Ultra Durable 3 series so the motherboard from gigabyte, P55-UD6 also equipped with 2 OZ Copper PCB, Solid Capacitor, High quality Lower RDS MOSFET and ferrite Core Chocke so make the motherboard keep Durable for long time and really good to muffle heat.
The total performance of Gigabyte P55A-UD6 is really high in 98%, But unfortunately in STALKER test is less and only gets 81% score.For Energy saving score can achieve 95% score and approximatelly use of power is 87 watt. In all of terms, this product is satisfactory except in a price.
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